How to win with Portfolio LTV

June 12, 2024
June 1, 2024

Hyperbeard is a successful publisher of casual games. Their CEO Alex appeared on the ‘GameMakers’ podcast to their success and Sonamine's role in it. Key to their success was how Sonamine helped Hyperbeard create a "portfolio multiplier" for different UA campaigns. This portfolio multiplier is applied to each campaign and calculate the ROAS across the entire game portfolio, even though the campaign was to drive installs for only ONE game.

Some key takeaways from the podcast are:

  • data from your games can be very valuable if you can dive deep and find actionable patterns
  • not all games in your portfolio are suitable candidates for user acquisition, especially if the ROAS is low and CPI is high compared to other games in your portfolio
  • future trend is towards predictive modeling especially with the decline of unique device identifiers.

Watch the full video above to learn How to calculate Portfolio LTV, Big upcoming trends and changes coming up, and more.

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